Sunday, January 2, 2011

Android and BlackBerry Application Sharing


JAKARTA, KOMPAS.COM - Completed Indonesia has been traveling the Wireless Innovation Contest (IWIC) 2010 which took place since last May. No fewer than 300 applications went into the judges' table. In addition the application also included a new paper just conceptual, but very open opportunities for applications made.

It also appears Challenging category that carries the name of Fahma Waluya with her younger sister, Hania Pracika, the boy making the application and has been downloaded in more than 75 countries around the world via OVI Store.

This year IWIC indeed growing. Not only seen from the number of contestants, but also the open category. In Commerce Applications Development group, consisting of four categories, among others; Android that gave rise to the names of champions 1. Andrew (with application Sixth Sense), champion 2. Harry Prasetyo (Application dead), and champion 3. Princess Chairina (Application Wedding Planner).

Other categories in this group, the BlackBerry set Rifco Anton Susilo with application Business in The Move as a champion, his rival is Ardian Franindo (Application Babyboo).

In the category of Broadband, Irvan Prama Devindal didapuk as rank 1 with online application Trade Advisor, Educate the next rank Dwi Prasetyo (Applications Interactive Multimedia Learning System), Jura 3. is Diane Wahyudi (Application Schetika).

The last category in this group are the Other Devices, which carries the name Iwan Wijaya with application Smart Taxi V2 as a champion of 1, followed by Bellina Rachman Saleh (Application M Payment for SMEs), followed Alfandra Tiaputra (Application Quiz Ads).

Meanwhile in the group Applications Games & Entertainment in category Android Nur Ichsan Main with its applications SS Games champion won 1. Followed M. Khasan Imaduddin (Imulator Gamelan Java applications), and Diaz Hendriarto (Application CityGo) as champion 3.

In the category of BlackBerry, Roland Prima Yoga (Application Anoa) seized the throne first. Followed Devid H. Wahid (Application Liarbook), and 3rd place was taken by Hanif Affandi Hartanto (Application Shrina Code).

Other Category Devices deliver Sandy Marly Colondam with Menoo applications as a champion. He disanding by Satria Ward (Application Compression SMS), and last Dwija Wisnu Brata (Application Spacejet Education Map).

Junior high and high school students who won the category of written works such as M.Galina Utomo (Parking Locator), Natasha (Wi-Fi Charging batteries BB), and Nailul Husna (Learning Team with DMB). While the students and the general who won the paper, among others, Sandra A. Nusantara (Disaster Communication), Sony Wirawan (Traffic Map), and Redi Ramli (Real Time Busway).

Next year seems IWIC will focus on premises application platform that is more open.You are fond of making an application or thinking of the technology, pipe in the next year.


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