Saturday, January 1, 2011

6 free Android apps for new year's party

Going to a New Year’s party tonight? Of course you’ll be bringing your Android phone along, but did you know that very same little device can help make you the life of the party? We’ve got some apps to help you do just that, so hit the break to find out what they are. Want us to make it even easier? We’ll even line out when during the night you can use these apps.
So! You’re at the party. Time to get your drink on, right? Of course, but who wants to have the same old drinks? Problem solved, thanks to DrinkOn. All you have to do is punch in your favorite alcohol, and DrinkOn will spit out a ton of drinks that you can head to the bar and try out for the new year. Bartender doesn’t know how to make it? DrinkOn has you covered, as it gives you the full rundown on how to churn out that cocktail concoction.
You’ve got your drink now, and the DJ is pumping out some pretty phat beats. You hear one that catches your ear, and you think, “man, I HAVE to know what song that is!” So, you whip out your phone, open up SoundHound, let it “listen” to the song, and it spits out the song, artist and album. Now you’ve got an icebreaker for that cute guy / gal who’s wondering the same thing!
Download SoundHound
Alright, alright… so the beats coming from the DJ booth aren’t so hot any more. Time for you to get up in there and take over for a little while. Get yourself started with Pandora. By now, most of you know what Pandora is, but for those who don’t, listen up. You can open up this app, plug in the name of a song or artist, and Pandora will find other songs that match the information you initially out in. Can we say, “instantly personalized radio”?
So your little spurt as a DJ, however alcohol induced it may be, is going pretty well! But, now, that cute guy or gal that was asking you about music a little while ago is back, asking you if you can play requests. Insert MOG music player. This app will allow you to search through artists, songs or albums, and play through that album straight through. While the app requires $10 / month, there is a free 7-day trial period, so you can try it out, fully-featured.
New Year’s Buzzer:
So while everyone’s paying attention to you, you want to make sure that everyone’s still paying attention to the clock for the big moment. Make sure you’ve got New Year’s Buzzer open and ready to alert you of when midnight comes so you can get in your celebrations!
Look out! The big moment is only seconds away! But wait… who stole the bottle of champagne!? Not to fret, as you – the savvy Android guy – is always prepared. Bust out the champagne app, shake the virtual bottle, pop the virtual cork, and have yourself a virtually bubbly good time! This app uses your touchscreen and accelerometer to recognize when you’re interacting.
Midnight has just come and gone, and it’s time to congratulate everyone on making it through 2010 and make your toasts. But, hey…. that guy over there… he’s foreing, and you want to be super-suave and give him his own congrats in his native tongue. So, quick, break out the Cheers app! It’ll show you how to say cheers in over 40 different languages, along with an option to hear your phone say it correctly, so you don’t end up accidentally insulting his mother.
So folks, there you have it! Just some suggestions to help you have a great time tonight. Remember, if you end up drinking, don’t end up driving. Got any more app suggestions? Let us know in the comments!


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